Logo Procetradi
Client: Distriluz
Companies: Hidrandina, Electro Centro, Ensa, Enosa.
Date: 2014

We carried out a megaproject to implement an ADMS system (SCADA + OMS + DMS), which involved:

  • Integration of the ADMS System for 87 power substations and 4 Control and Operation Centers in each company in the group: Enosa, Ensa, Hidrandina, Electrocentro and the DATA CENTER (Centralized Control Center) in Lima.
  • Integration between SCADA with other corporate software such as GIS and CIS.
  • PREFAT, FAT and SAT tests

The system developed for Distriluz is the largest nationwide and allows centralizing the operation of the 4 companies of the group, achieving:

  • Improve response times to service interruptions that affect the population, so that service quality indicators were met and improved in strategic and regulatory terms (SAIDI reduction).
  • Improve decision-making for the safe and efficient operation of the electrical network, achieving effective management, in technical and economic terms, through necessary, sufficient, reliable and timely information.
  • Improve the decision-making of network operators, providing them with tools to analyze their behavior.