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Smart Metering Summit Peru 2019

The first smart metering event in the country.

The Smart Metering Summit Peru 2019 event was organized for the second consecutive year by Procetradi and Aclara, our partner in the United States, in order to present various solutions related to the Smart Grid environment and show how the electricity industry plays a key role in the transformation towards smart cities.

This conference was held at the Hotel Los Delfines on April 11 and 12 and brought together more than 100 executives, including Directors and Managers of electricity companies nationwide, as well as consultants and industry entities.

Likewise, we had the presence of 13 international exhibitors (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, the United States, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico) and Peru, who presented keynotes, experiences of implementation of smart measurement systems in 5 countries. , technical talks and panel discussions.