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New Smart Metering Project for Luz del Sur

We have started a pilot project for our client Luz del Sur using RPMA technology, which consists of the installation of two thousand smart meters remotely managed by a communication platform through #radiofrequency. Likewise, two access points will be installed at the San Isidro and Chacarilla headquarters, which will be managed through software hosted in the cloud.

This pilot project arises from the search for smart metering technology with the best performance according to the criteria set out by Osinergmin in the regulations for the deployment of smart meters in electricity companies.

With this great project, Luz del Sur:

  • Will avoid sending personnel to the field for activities such as meter reading, shutdown and reconnection, and outage detection.
  • Will carry out all the aforementioned procedures remotely and automatically.

We are convinced that this will be the best smart measurement project implemented in our capital.

If you want to know about this technology, write to us at gsantos@procetradi.com